VIAVI Solutions - Threat Exposure Management

With just a few minutes to get connected, Observer Sentry identifies your complete AWS external attack surface and exposes every path into your environment’s critical resources based on a continuous analysis of all AWS Security Groups, firewall rules, ACLs and routing tables.
Products and Services
Threat Exposure Management (TEM) is pivotal in strengthening the overall security posture of your AWS environment and reducing its external attack surface. VIAVI Observer Sentry enhances TEM by improving exposure visibility with intuitive visualizations and reports, traffic insights, and by highlighting your exposed assets and vulnerabilities which allows users to identify, prioritize, and mitigate risks before compromises occur.
- Comprehensive Visibility. Using an agentless approach, Sentry empowers your team with the comprehensive visibility needed to fully access your external exposure risk across all your AWS accounts.
- Attack and Exposure Path Management. See the end-to-end exposure and attack paths for VMs, services, storage, and containers within minutes by identifying their effective exposure. Identify unknown or undesired access to assets or environments in actionable context to quickly remediate and improve your AWS security posture.
- Focus on risks that matter most. Detect, prioritize, and remediate critical exposure and attack paths with Observer Sentry, with continuous prioritization of critical risks based on the analysis of misconfigurations, network exposure, and vulnerabilities from third-party tools.
- Traffic Insights: When unintended exposures are identified, traffic-driven insights clearly identify external connection attempts, successful connections, and traffic volumes associated with specific ports/protocols.

Top 3 Benefits
- Immediate visibility of all exposed assets, across all AWS accounts
- Enhanced prioritization of the most critical vulnerabilities
- Strengthened security posture of your end-to-end AWS environment
Learn More About
- Observer Sentry Brochure: Threat Exposure Management for Amazon Web Services (AWS): Observer Sentry lets you see your AWS environment from the attacker’s perspective
- Threat Exposure Management: The VIAVI Threat Exposure Management solution analyzes and visualizes your AWS environment to help you pinpoint where and why cloud assets are most vulnerable to attack.
- Press Release: VIAVI Adds Critical Traffic Visibility to Observer Sentry Threat Exposure Management