
Company Profile


Leading provider of password management and authentication solutions natively integrated with Active Directory.

Products and Services

  • Help users create stronger passwords in Active Directory with dynamic, informative client feedback.
  • Prevent the use of more than 4 billion unique compromised passwords which includes passwords found on known breached lists as well as passwords being used in attacks happening right now.
  • Continuously find and remove compromised passwords in your environment from a daily updated database.
  • Comply with regulatory password recommendations from NIST, CJIS, NCSC, ANSSI, CNIL, BSI, HITRUST, PCI and more.
  • Self-service password reset with 20+ identity service providers including Duo, Microsoft Authenticator, Okta, Ping and Yubikey.

Top 3 Benefits

  • Enforce user-friendly, strong, and compliant password policies.
  • Prevent compromised passwords that lead to successful brute-force password attacks.
  • Reduce costs and calls to the helpdesk by empowering users to self-service.


Specops Password Policy: http://specopssoft.com/product/specops-password-policy/

Specops uReset SSPR: http://specopssoft.com/product/specops-password-reset/

Specops Password Auditor (freeware): http://specopssoft.com/product/specops-password-auditor/


