Astrix Security

Company Profile

Securing Non-human Identities

By extending access management and threat detection & response to non-human identities (API keys, OAuth tokens, and service accounts, etc.) Astrix ensures your core systems are securely connected to internal and third-party cloud services. 

Products and Services

  • Discover all non-human access to your core systems with a centralised real-time inventory  of all non-human identities (OAuth tokens, service accounts, API keys, secrets, etc.), and their business context (access permissions, usage level, users, publisher information, purpose, etc).
  • Reduce your attack surface with a prioritised list of risky connections (over-privileged apps, inactive apps, untrustworthy app publisher). 
  • Stop attacks abusing access tokens in real-time through ongoing behavioural analysis of apps and connections.
  • Quickly remediate without breaking anything using automated security guardrails and employee’s feedback and context.   
  • Expose vulnerable secrets across different vaults and IaaS env. with unparalleled context into secrets’ usage.

Top 3 Benefits

  • Connect productivity apps to Salesforce, Google Workspace, and other business platforms without Adding third-party risks. 
  • Discover shadow connections of Gen AI services to your core systems. 
  • Allow Dev teams connect third-party and internal cloud services to engineering systems (GitHub, AWS, GCP, Snowflake, …) without risking supply chain attacks. 
  • Modernize your TPRM program with automated and continuous discovery  of  all third-party apps and vendors connected to your enterprise.
Securing App-to-App connectivity with Astrix
How Astrix helped Guesty minimize Generative-AI risks
Astrix Security — RSA Conference 2023 Innovation Sandbox